What is Slow Birding ?
“The faster one goes, the more strain there is on the senses,
the more they fail to take in, the more confusion they must tolerate or gloss over - and
the longer it takes to bring the mind to a stop in the presence of anything.
Watching birds isn’t really fast in the first place. The pace of a birder in the field is slow and methodical. And yet, traditional birding can be list-driven and competitive. The Slow Birding practice explores a fresh approach to observing birds focused on re-awakening & fine tuning your innate birding skills while at the same time creating a deeper connection to your self and the place you live.
Slow Birding came to me over time, really over my whole birding career going back over 20 years. From remembering what it was liked to be shamed as a beginning birder, to the elation of each life bird along the way, to becoming a mom with three little kids and wondering how I was ever going to “bird” again. Slow Birding is the culmination of all the failures and successes I’ve had as a birder, and I what I believe is the evolution and co-mingling of the best parts of birding and bird-watching. I do hope you’ll give it a try!
Slow Birding Is…
Deeper Observation
Slow Birding pulls from the most recent research about how we learn birds and how our right brain and left brain can work together to tackle identification. Participants will explore techniques of Balanced Brain Birding, building skills to improve how we observe birds. At the same time, we’ll tap back into our natural curiosity about birds and their habitats. With Slow Birding, we’ll move beyond identification and allow ourselves to shift our focus to bird behaviors. And, we’ll make the most of birds as they present themselves wherever we are.
Deeper Listening
Tease apart the cacophony of sound by slowing down and training your brain to interpret what you’re hearing on the landscape. We’ll break down bird vocalizations into the Five Voices-Simple Sounds framework to understand who and what we’re listening to. We’ll practice expanding our awareness and noticing seasonal changes in the soundscape. Slow Birding will give you a language to describe what you’re hearing to help with identification while at the same time giving you an insight into what birds are telling us about what is happening around us.
Deeper connection
Birds are everywhere, from cities to farmlands, from the mountains to the shorelines. We have the opportunity to connect with birds on a daily basis if we’re tuned in. Recent studies have shown that noticing birds can improve your mental health, reduce depression and improve memory and attentiveness. Other research points out that just being in nature has the power to make us happier. Slow Birding uses the Sit Spot Practice to anchor our experiences and observations of birds to a particular place over time. We’ll also explore how to switch up the traditional bird walk to be more mindful & aware of how we move on the landscape and how we connect with birds in the moment.
Let’s Slow Bird Together
Slow Birding can take many different forms! Over the past five years, I’ve created a variety of distinct experiences to support folks in creating their own Slow Birding practice. For the individual, I offer online courses, pop-up events in Vermont, and weekend workshops. For groups, I have designed presentations, online courses, guided sit spot sessions, mini-workshops, and multi-day workshops. I am flexible, creative, and happy to work with you on a customized program or experience. Please use the links below to learn more and reach out to schedule a Slow Birding session for your community! Rate sheet available upon request.
Spring & fall Intro to Slow Birding Course
Got kids? Try the on-Demand set of Slow Birding Activities for families!
Slow Birding Weekend in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont ~ September 2024
NEW! Join the Slow Birding membership community!
or Guided Sit Spot EXPERIENCE.
Listen to the Secrets of Slow Birding on the
AMerican Birding Association POdcast with Nate Swick.
“If you haven’t experienced Bridget’s Slow Birding approach before, it really transformed the way I look at and enjoy birds. Bridget’s approach is about focusing deeply on individual birds, watching and listening to their lives unfolding in context, and over time piecing together their relationships with other birds in the community. It’s a big departure from the typical approach of ID-based or list-based birding styles. It reaffirms that there is no right or wrong way to be a birder, while delivering a hefty set of tools that are relevant to *all* birders. Through this deliberate and immersive investigation and “settling in,” you’ll leave with not just a better understanding of birds, but with a better understanding of yourself.
That’s a big claim, but I’m standing by it!
“It’s rare that a program or class effects deep and fundamental shifts in people’s thought processes and profoundly broadens the way they view the world from that point on. In a time when so many people are striving for mindfulness, the value of the practice of Slow Birding as an exercise has the potential to serve even individuals who don’t consider themselves birders in a very unique way. Beyond providing an enjoyable experience in the moment, your approach encourages a deeper understanding and appreciation not only of birds but of our environment and our connection to it.”
“Your welcoming manner is the reason I have felt like I can “be a birder”. You have made me feel like it is okay to talk about what I am noticing about birds and not be perfect about it. It’s not about the answers, it’s about the questions. Just noticing and wondering is enough - and that freedom makes the topic accessible for me.”
“This was a strange COVID winter with all of us staying home and perhaps appreciating our close surroundings more than ever. I was so glad that on an impulse I then decided to try this course to get to know and understand the birds in my yard. Bridget’s enthusiasm is contagious and her knowledge of the most intricate details fo bird behavior made this course both fun and inspiring. The weekly assignments followed up by online chats opened up a whole new world for me. I’m hooked and hope to continue birding with a whole new community of like minded friends.”
“I really enjoyed the Fall Slow Birding course. Bridget is a wonderful teacher who conveys her knowledge and love of birding in easy-going, humorous, and super-informative sessions. I learned a lot from the online classes about how to better observe and listen to birds. Best of all, the course provided us with tools – both food for thought as well as online and written resources — for continued learning and improving our birding skills”
“This slow birding course taught me so much and exceeded my expectations! Bridget is an amazing instructor and has cultivated such a wonderful and welcoming community centered around slow birding. I never knew how much I could learn from sitting still, but this course will give you the skills and confidence you need to learn a wealth of knowledge about your backyard visitors and so much more! ”