This is a meet-up to use the Birdability Site Review Checklist to look at accessibility for eBird Hotspots for birders with disabilities or other health concerns. Learn more about Birdability at!
This event is hosted by the Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge and the Friends of the Missisquoi Wildlife Refuge.
We’ll meet at the Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge’s Discovery Trail which is located at the headquarters building on Tabor Road. The plan is to travel the trail together using the Birdability checklist to assess the trail and then submit it to the online Birdability Map.
Folks in attendance can expect to learn how to work through each section of the checklist in the hope that they’ll return to their own communities and begin assessing potential birding spots for folks with disabilities or other health concerns. The goal here is to begin to create a more accessible birding community where folks can find a set of trails or other sites where they can bird safely and comfortably.
Things to bring include the Birdability checklist, a tape measure, and a level or level app on your smartphone. You can download your own copy of the checklist to bring with you here:
Please consider making a donation to Birdability to support their work; this meet-up is free.